Bunions are often caused by incorrect foot mechanics. A person may be born with the inherent tendency to develop bunions. If the persons parents or grandparents have bunions, there can be a genetic tendency to develop this deformity over time. Another common cause of this deformity is the use of high-heeled shoes or improperly fit shoes.

Dealing with Bunions
Bunions are frequently misrepresented as an “old persons” condition. Truth be told, bunions occur in practically all age groups with the exception of babies. This condition causes the big toe to move towards the other toes causing a boney bump on the inner side of the big toe joint base. Occasionally, the big toe well overlap or underlapped the second toe.
These conditions can be very mild with no symptoms at all, or very severe, causing the person significant pain and inability to wear any form of shoe gear.
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Call our office if you have any questions about what we do or to schedule an appointment.