Latest Technology
This technology is commonly used in the most modern dermatology clinics around the United States for the treatment of skin and soft tissue disorders, such as common plantar warts, moles, chronic porokaratomas, and skin tags. The destruction of cancerous as well as non cancerous skin lesions may also be performed with the ESH.

Digital X-RAY with High Definition Monitors
This modern technology is a giant leap from the conventional X-Ray films that would require development like old photography film.
Digital X-RAY provides instantaneous picture review with the ability to magnify suspected deformities. These X- Ray images are displayed in the patient exam rooms on 45” high definition monitors.
Copies of x-rays can be quickly copied on to a computer disk and sent with the patient or to other medical facilities.

Diagnostic Ultrasound
By using specialized sound waves, the diagnostic ultrasound may be used to help identify and diagnose many musculoskeletal disorders that were once very difficult to isolate.
This technology is commonly used in the diagnosis of such things as Ganglion Cysts, Plantar Fasciitis, Mortons Neuromas, Tendonopathies, small bone and joint deformities, and foreign bodies.
This inexpensive technology can often be utilized instead of the more expensive MRI or CT scan tests.

X-ray In-Motion
This technology provides “Moving X-RAY” capability. Allowing Dr. Michael James or Dr. Bradley James to observe a person's skeletal structure in real-time, such as movement of an ankle, or the wiggling of the big toe joint with incredible detail and accuracy. This technology is frequently used to evaluate the appropriate re-positioning of a dislocated joint or a manually reduced bone fracture.

Electronic Medical Records
Also known as EMR or paperless record keeping, it is the future of record keeping in medical practices.
Dr. James and his staff have integrated the most advanced EMR system available to health care providers. By doing so, all patient records including office notes, labs, X-Rays, and doctor referrals are digitally stored for easier access and availability for transferring information to other medical facilities or hospitals.
This system also automatically checks the patients medication list for any drug to drug interactions.
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Call our office if you have any questions about what we do or to schedule an appointment.